Welcome to the Law Offices of Philip M. Cohen: Your Legal Ally in Product Liability Cases

Product liability refers to the legal responsibility that manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, and retailers bear if their products cause injury or harm. If you’ve suffered due to a defective or dangerous product in El Cajon, CA, the Law Offices of Philip M. Cohen are ready to stand with you.

Understanding Product Liability

Product liability laws exist to protect consumers from the harm caused by faulty products. These cases can result from design flaws, manufacturing defects, or insufficient warnings. Victims of such cases often face medical bills, lost wages, and other unexpected expenses.

Product Liability Lawyer in El Cajon, CA
Product Liability Lawyer El Cajon, CA

Product Liability Laws in El Cajon, CA

In California, a product liability case can be based on three major legal theories: negligence, strict liability, and breach of warranty. To successfully argue your case, it’s essential to have a profound understanding of these laws, which the Law Offices of Philip M. Cohen can provide.

Choosing the Law Offices of Philip M. Cohen

At the Law Offices of Philip M. Cohen, we provide comprehensive support to those affected by defective or dangerous products. We are deeply familiar with the product liability laws in El Cajon and throughout California and use this understanding to secure the compensation you deserve.

We believe in open communication, and we make sure our clients stay informed at every stage of their case. Our team understands that every case is unique and gives personalized attention to each client’s needs.

Our Approach to Product Liability Cases

We begin by offering a free consultation to understand your case. We gather evidence, review product designs, consult with safety analysts, and use compelling negotiation tactics to argue your case.

Insurance companies often make it difficult to achieve a fair settlement, but we don’t back down. If necessary, we are prepared to represent you in court.

Getting the Compensation You Deserve

After a product-related injury, you shouldn’t have to worry about medical bills or lost wages. Our mission is to help you secure compensation for medical expenses, rehabilitation costs, lost earnings, and pain and suffering.

El Cajon, CA Product Liability Lawyer

The Help You Need

If you’ve been injured by a defective or dangerous product in El Cajon, CA, you have the right to seek compensation. Reach out to the Law Offices of Philip M. Cohen for a free consultation. We’re here to listen to your story, provide legal advice, and fight for your rights.

Contact us today on our website. Let the Law Offices of Philip M. Cohen stand by your side, offering steadfast legal support and compassionate guidance.